电影制片人 Suzanne Jolly 于 10 月 5 日在多伦多摩托车电影节上首次亮相《A Wilder Way》纪录片,记录了她前往不列颠哥伦比亚省偏远海岸地区的旅程。 Filmmaker Suzanne Jolly debuts "A Wilder Way" documentary at Toronto Motorcycle Film Festival on October 5th, chronicling her journey to a remote British Columbia coast area.
来自坎贝尔河的电影制作人 Suzanne Jolly 将于 10 月 5 日在多伦多摩托车电影节上首次亮相她的纪录片《A Wilder Way》。 Suzanne Jolly, a filmmaker from Campbell River, is debuting her documentary "A Wilder Way" at the Toronto Motorcycle Film Festival on October 5th. 这部影片记录了她前往不列颠哥伦比亚省海岸边一个偏僻、只有船可以出入的地区的旅行,这是她十多年前想象的梦想。 The film chronicles her journey to a remote, boat-access-only area along British Columbia's coast, a dream she envisioned over a decade ago. 在从轻微的脑损伤中恢复后, 她重新学会骑马, 现在与加拿大雅马哈(Yamaha Canada)等赞助者一起分享她的冒险。 After recovering from a mild traumatic brain injury, she relearned to ride and is now sharing her adventure with support from sponsors like Yamaha Canada.