参赛者皮特·威克斯 (Pete Wicks) 在 BBC 的 Strictly Come Dancing 节目中差点绊倒搭档乔维塔·普日斯塔尔 (Jowita Przystal),但受到了评委的表扬。 Contestant Pete Wicks nearly trips partner Jowita Przystal on BBC's Strictly Come Dancing, but receives praise from judges.
在最近 BBC 的 Strictly Come Dancing 节目中,参赛者 Pete Wicks 在以丛林为主题的桑巴舞表演中差点绊倒他的搭档 Jowita Przystal。 During a recent performance on BBC's Strictly Come Dancing, contestant Pete Wicks nearly tripped his partner Jowita Przystal during their samba routine, which featured a jungle theme. 法官们普遍赞扬这对夫妇, 评分从六分到七分不等。 Despite the stumble, the judges generally praised the couple, awarding scores ranging from sixes to sevens. Craig Revel Horwood 注意到了这个失误,而 Motsi Mabuse 则钦佩 Pete 在编舞方面的进步和冒险精神。 Craig Revel Horwood noted the stumble, while Motsi Mabuse admired Pete's improvements and risk-taking in choreography. BBC One和BBC iPlayer的节目继续播出。 The show continues airing on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.