中国官员介绍通过结构优化和渐进措施促进经济增长的政策。 China briefs officials on policies to enhance economic growth through structural optimization and incremental measures.
中国国家发展改革委员会将于星期二向高级官员通报促进经济增长的政策。 China's National Development and Reform Commission will brief senior officials on Tuesday about policies to enhance economic growth. 重点将是执行一系列渐进措施,以实现结构优化和可持续发展。 The focus will be on implementing a series of incremental measures aimed at structural optimization and sustained development. 本简报是继中国中央银行最近采取行动,降低利率和增加流动性,同时放宽财产条例,作为更广泛的刺激努力的一部分。 This briefing follows recent actions by China's central bank to lower interest rates and increase liquidity, alongside eased property regulations, as part of broader stimulus efforts.