4名在尼日利亚因在#EndBad治理运动中扮演的角色而被控叛国的活动分子。 4 activists charged with treason in Nigeria for their roles in the #EndBadGovernance movement.
尼日利亚有四名被控犯有叛国罪的活动分子向警方陈述了他们的行为。 Four activists charged with treason in Nigeria provided statements to police regarding their actions. 参与#EndBad治理运动的社运人士在讨论政府问题时强调他们的动机。 The activists, part of the #EndBadGovernance movement, highlighted their motives in addressing governmental issues. 他们的案件引起了人们的极大关注,引起了人们对尼日利亚言论自由和对待持不同政见者的关切。 Their case has drawn significant attention, raising concerns about freedom of expression and the treatment of dissenters in Nigeria. 在公众监督和倡导问责制的情况下,情况继续演变。 The situation continues to evolve amid public scrutiny and advocacy for accountability.