9 月 3 日,康涅狄格州克伦威尔市 81 岁妇女在疗养院被丈夫谋杀自杀。 81-year-old woman killed in nursing home murder-suicide by husband in Cromwell, Connecticut on September 3.
9 月 3 日,一名 81 岁的妇女在康涅狄格州克伦威尔的 Apple Rehab 疗养院被其 82 岁的丈夫枪杀,这显然是谋杀自杀。 An 81-year-old woman was shot and killed by her husband, 82, in an apparent murder-suicide at Apple Rehab nursing home in Cromwell, Connecticut, on September 3. 这对夫妇结了婚一段时间,妻子在该设施居住了三年。 The couple had been married for some time, and the wife had resided at the facility for three years. 这一事件没有已知的威胁或动机,没有其他人受到伤害。 There were no known threats or motives for the incident, and no other individuals were harmed. 随着调查的继续进行,正在向工作人员和居民提供咨询服务。 Counseling services are being offered to staff and residents as the investigation continues.