50周年活动:Aaron Mike Oquye教授批评非洲自然资源,特别是太阳能利用不足,并敦促领导人投资于可再生能源。 50th-anniversary event: Prof. Aaron Mike Oquaye criticized Africa's underutilized natural resources, especially solar energy, and urged leaders to invest in renewable energy.
前议长Aaron Mike Oquye教授在库马西基督教服务大学50周年活动期间批评非洲自然资源,特别是太阳能利用不足。 Prof. Aaron Mike Oquaye, former Speaker of Parliament, criticized Africa's underutilization of natural resources, especially solar energy, during the 50th-anniversary event of the Christian Service University in Kumasi. 他指出,荷兰的太阳能生产超过了整个非洲大陆,并敦促非洲领导人利用太阳能潜力促进可持续发展,投资于可再生能源,以促进长期增长。 He noted that solar production in the Netherlands exceeds that of the entire continent and urged African leaders to harness solar potential for sustainable development and invest in renewable energy to promote long-term growth.