城市大火中黑烟;消防员负责控制,原因不明。 Large fire with black smoke in a city; firefighters working to control, cause unknown.
无人机拍摄到大量黑烟 从城市大火中冒出来 Drone footage has captured significant black smoke rising from a large fire in a city. 这些画面突显了火的强度,这引起了当地居民和地方当局的关切。 The visuals highlight the intensity of the blaze, which has raised concerns among local residents and authorities. 消防员正在现场努力控制局势,但有关原因和潜在影响的细节仍在出现。 Firefighters are on the scene working to control the situation, but details about the cause and potential impact are still emerging. 紧急服务机构正在敦促公民避免进入安全区。 Emergency services are urging citizens to avoid the area for safety.