中国的刺激措施促进了东南亚经济,有利于旅游业和出口。 China's stimulus measures boost Southeast Asia's economy, benefiting tourism and exports.
中国最近采取的刺激措施预计将促进东南亚经济,尤其是通过增加中国消费支出使旅游业和出口受益。 China's recent stimulus measures are projected to enhance Southeast Asia's economy, particularly benefiting tourism and exports through increased Chinese consumer spending. 分析家强调,东盟国家,包括泰国、马来西亚和新加坡,中国游客和出口需求可能会增加。 Analysts highlight that ASEAN nations, including Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore, will likely see a rise in Chinese tourists and export demand. 此外,预计刺激措施将促进印度尼西亚的出口增长,吸引外国直接投资,促进区域总体经济稳定。 Additionally, the stimulus is expected to bolster Indonesia's export growth and attract foreign direct investment, promoting overall regional economic stability.