9月28日,一辆汽车撞入新西兰奥波蒂基的Waioeka河,造成1人重伤,2人失踪,道路被封锁。 On September 28, a car crashed into the Waioeka River in Opotiki, New Zealand, causing one serious injury, two missing individuals, and road closures.
9月28日的一场车祸造成1人重伤,2人失踪,因为一辆汽车于上午10时20分左右撞入新西兰奥波蒂基的Wayoeka河。 A vehicle accident on September 28 resulted in one serious injury and two individuals missing after a car plunged into the Waioeka River in Opotiki, New Zealand, around 10:20 a.m. 应急服务处和搜索救援小组是现场协助的。 Emergency services and Search and Rescue teams are on-site to assist. 州公路2号被关闭,造成交通延误。 State Highway 2 is closed, causing traffic delays. 当局敦促任何有相关信息的人,尤其是历史悠久的陶朗加大桥下游,拨打 111 并参考 P060175638。 Authorities urge anyone with relevant information, especially downstream of the Historic Tauranga Bridge, to call 111 and reference P060175638.