28岁的Michael Beggs在安大略奥肖瓦被捕,罪名是持械抢劫K圈,威胁证人,并面临十项指控。 28-year-old Michael Beggs arrested in Oshawa, Ontario, for armed robbery at a Circle K, threatening a witness, and faces ten charges.
28岁的Michael Beggs在安大略奥肖瓦被捕,据称他抢劫了一家配有箱子切割机的K圈便利商店。 Michael Beggs, 28, was arrested in Oshawa, Ontario, after allegedly robbing a Circle K convenience store armed with a box cutter. 他偷了香烟,并威胁一名试图阻止他的证人。 He stole cigarettes and threatened a witness who tried to stop him. 贝格斯面临十项指控,包括两项发出死亡威胁、使用武器袭击和两项不遵守缓刑的罪名。 Beggs faces ten charges, including two counts of uttering death threats, assault with a weapon, and two counts of failing to comply with probation. 事件发生后,他于星期四被拘留。 He was taken into custody on Thursday following the incident.