1 岁的 Cockapoo Honey 在赫特福德郡罗伊斯顿被德国牧羊犬袭击受伤;兽医费用为 8,000 英镑,保险费用为 2,000 英镑。 1-year-old Cockapoo Honey injured by German Shepherd attack in Royston, Hertfordshire; vet costs £8,000, insured £2,000.
9 月 16 日,一只名叫 Honey 的一岁 Cockapoo 在赫特福德郡罗伊斯顿的德国牧羊犬袭击她的主人凯蒂·马歇尔 (Katie Marshall) 的家中受重伤。 A one-year-old Cockapoo named Honey was severely injured in an attack by a German Shepherd that entered the home of her owner, Katie Marshall, in Royston, Hertfordshire, on September 16. 蜂蜜需要缝合、手术和治疗,兽医费用总计约为 8,000 英镑,其中只有 2,000 英镑由保险支付。 Honey required stitches, surgery, and treatment, with veterinary costs totaling around £8,000, of which only £2,000 is covered by insurance. 这一事件对Katie及其伴侣造成了重大压力,当地警察正在调查。 The incident has caused significant stress for Katie and her partner, and local police are investigating.