气候变化相关的灾害与女性遭受的IPV增加有关, 灾难发生两年后达到顶峰. Study in PLOS Climate links climate change-related disasters to increased IPV against women, peaking two years post-disaster.
对SPLOS气候的研究显示,与气候变化有关的山崩、风暴和洪水等事件导致亲密伴侣对妇女施暴事件增加,在灾后达到两年高峰。 A study in PLOS Climate reveals that climate change-related events like landslides, storms, and floods lead to increased intimate partner violence (IPV) against women, peaking two years post-disaster. 研究人员分析了来自156个国家363项调查的数据,发现这种联系可与经济因素相比。 Analyzing data from 363 surveys across 156 countries, researchers found this link comparable to economic factors. 研究倡导将综合PV的考虑纳入气候政策和灾害规划,以减轻其对妇女的影响。 The study advocates for integrating IPV considerations into climate policies and disaster planning to mitigate its impact on women.