印度以社会方面和现行法律保护已婚妇女为由,反对将婚内强奸定为犯罪。 India opposes criminalizing marital rape, citing social aspects and existing laws' protection of married women.
印度政府反对将婚内强奸定为犯罪,声称这个问题是社会问题,而不是法律问题,现行法律充分保护已婚妇女的权利。 India's government has opposed criminalizing marital rape, claiming that the issue is social rather than legal and that existing laws sufficiently protect married women's rights. 在最高法院的一份宣誓证词中,政府辩称,承认婚内强奸可能破坏婚姻稳定,并可能导致滥用法律。 In a Supreme Court affidavit, the government argued that recognizing marital rape could destabilize marriages and lead to potential misuse of laws. 他们强调必须采取综合办法,倡导对这一复杂事项进行立法干预而不是司法干预。 They emphasized the importance of a comprehensive approach, advocating for legislative rather than judicial intervention in this complex matter.