中国网络监管机构启动为期3个月的运动, 加强对在线新闻服务的监督, China's cyberspace regulator launches a 3-month campaign to enhance oversight of online news services and address illegal practices.
中国网络空间监管者发起了为期三个月的运动,以加强对在线新闻服务的监督和处理非法行为。 China's cyberspace regulator has launched a three-month campaign to enhance oversight of online news services and address illegal practices. 该倡议旨在维护清洁的在线环境,针对的是虚假信息、捏造新闻、点击和误导战术。 Aimed at maintaining a clean online environment, the initiative targets disinformation, fabricated news, clickbait, and misleading tactics. 它还力求打击滥用权力、讹诈、假新闻组织以及与新闻服务有关的商业证书的非法转让。 It also seeks to combat abuses of power, blackmail, fake news organizations, and the illegal transfer of business certificates related to news services.