Square Enix 暂停为受飓风海伦影响的玩家拆除最终幻想 XIV 房屋。 Square Enix pauses Final Fantasy XIV house demolition for Hurricane Helene-affected players.
由于飓风海伦对美国南部的影响,Square Enix 暂时停止了《最终幻想 XIV》中玩家房屋的自动拆除。 Square Enix has temporarily halted the automatic demolition of player houses in Final Fantasy XIV due to Hurricane Helene's impact on the southern U.S. 这项措施影响到北美服务器,旨在支持面临恢复挑战的行为者。 This measure, affecting North American servers, aims to support players facing recovery challenges. 房屋通常在45天无活动后被拆毁。 Homes are typically demolished after 45 days of inactivity. Square Enix 之前曾暂停过此功能,以应对现实世界的灾难,并希望受影响的玩家能够迅速恢复。 Square Enix has paused this feature before in response to real-world disasters and hopes for a swift recovery for affected players.