什里夫波特南方大学于 10 月 1 日举行了罗伊·格里格斯日,以表彰这位企业家和他的 50,000 美元奖学金。 Southern University at Shreveport held Roy Griggs Day on October 1, honoring the entrepreneur and his $50,000 in scholarships.
南方大学(SUSLA)于10月1日举办Roy Griggs日活动, 以纪念企业家对社区和Roy Griggs商学院的影响。 Southern University at Shreveport (SUSLA) held Roy Griggs Day on October 1 to honor the entrepreneur's impact on the community and the Roy Griggs School of Business. 活动包括一次学生会议,与Griggs一起举办关于金融扫盲和社交媒体营销的讲习班,分享他的创业旅程。 The event featured a student conference with workshops on financial literacy and social media marketing, alongside Griggs sharing his entrepreneurial journey. Griggs为学校作出了重大贡献,包括50 000美元的奖学金,以支持学生实现其职业目标。 Griggs has contributed significantly to the school, including $50,000 in scholarships to support students in achieving their career goals.