美国商务部执行向中东数据中心出口AI芯片的新规则。 U.S. Commerce Department implements new rule for AI chip exports to Middle East data centers.
美国商务部实施了一项新的规则,便利向中东数据中心出口AI芯片。 The U.S. Commerce Department has implemented a new rule to facilitate the export of AI chips to data centers in the Middle East. 这项条例允许这些中心申请经过验证的终端用户地位,使其能够在没有个人许可证的情况下获得芯片。 This regulation allows these centers to apply for Validated End User status, enabling them to receive chips without individual licenses. 该倡议回应了人们对该区域可能成为中国获得美国先进技术的渠道的关切。 The initiative responds to concerns that the region could serve as a conduit for China to access advanced American technology. 严格的审查程序将确保安全和符合美国国家利益。 A rigorous review process will ensure security and compliance with U.S. national interests.