俄亥俄州商人Jamie McGregor在赞扬海地工人后,面临死亡威胁、公司封锁和自卫枪支所有权。 Ohio businessman Jamie McGregor faces death threats, company lockdown, and self-defense gun ownership after praising Haitian workers.
俄亥俄州斯普林菲尔德(Springfield, Ohio)的商人杰米·麦格雷戈(Jamie McGregor)在赞扬了他的海地移民工人后,面临死亡威胁和公众的强烈反对。 Jamie McGregor, a businessman in Springfield, Ohio, faces death threats and public backlash after praising his Haitian immigrant workers. 这导致了公司被封锁和背叛指控。 This led to a company lockdown and accusations of betrayal. 随着紧张局势的加剧,特别是在涉及一名海地人的暴力事件之后,McGregor放弃了反对自卫拥有枪支的誓言。 As tensions rose, particularly after a violent incident involving a Haitian, McGregor has abandoned his vow against gun ownership for self-defense. 他和他的家人目前正在接受火器训练,而一些当地居民的敌意却在升级。 He and his family are now undergoing firearms training amid escalating hostility from some local residents.