与北约网络攻击有关联的俄罗斯网络犯罪集团邪恶公司与俄罗斯国家有联系。 NCA reveals Russian cybercrime group Evil Corp, linked to NATO cyber-attacks, has ties with Russian state.
联合王国国家犯罪署(NCA)透露,俄罗斯网络犯罪集团邪恶公司与俄罗斯国家保持着密切的关系,据称对北约国家进行网络攻击。 The UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) has disclosed that the Russian cybercrime group Evil Corp has maintained a close relationship with the Russian state, allegedly conducting cyber-attacks on NATO countries. 该团体由Maksim Yakubets创立,与家人有联系,并获得联邦安全局高级官员的保护。 Founded by Maksim Yakubets, the group has familial ties and benefited from protection by a high-ranking FSB official. 尽管邪恶公司的活动自2019年以来就中断,但在赎金软件业务中,包括在洛克比特袭击中,该公司仍然具有影响力。 Although its activities have been disrupted since 2019, Evil Corp remains influential in ransomware operations, including LockBit attacks.