一名男子对在特朗普所在的佛罗里达州高尔夫球场附近发生的暗杀未遂事件不认罪。 A man pleaded not guilty to attempted assassination near Trump's Florida golf course.
一名男子对包括暗杀未遂在内的五项联邦指控不认罪,此前他涉嫌于 9 月 15 日在佛罗里达州前总统唐纳德·特朗普的高尔夫球场附近用步枪度过了 12 小时。 A man has pleaded not guilty to five federal charges, including attempted assassination, after allegedly spending 12 hours with a rifle near former President Donald Trump's golf course in Florida on September 15. 据报道,特勤局在他在那里驻扎了很长时间后逮捕了他。 The Secret Service apprehended him after he was reportedly stationed there for an extended period. 嫌疑人否认与该事件有关的任何不当行为。 The suspect denies any wrongdoing in connection with the incident.