武装警察对9月30日在曼彻斯特发生的定点枪击事件作出反应,一名60岁受害者受伤,一名41岁当地人被捕。 Armed police responded to a targeted shooting in Manchester on September 30, a 60-yr-old victim was injured and a 41-yr-old local was arrested.
9月30日,武装警察对曼彻斯特Kirkby的Simonswood Lane被定点射击作出反应,一名60多岁的男子腿部受伤。 Armed police responded to a targeted shooting on Simonswood Lane in Kirkby, Manchester, on September 30, where a man in his 60s sustained a leg injury. 他在医院处于稳定状态。 He is in stable condition at the hospital. 一名41岁的当地男子因与受伤和持有火器有关的指控被逮捕。 A 41-year-old local man was arrested on charges related to wounding and firearm possession. Merseyside警察正在进行调查,包括挨家挨户调查,并实施了第60条加强公共安全的命令。 Merseyside Police are conducting investigations, including house-to-house inquiries, and have implemented a Section 60 order to enhance public safety.