触摸石勘探完成了特立尼达和多巴哥的卡斯卡杜拉水井,发现了大量的天然气和原油。 Touchstone Exploration completes Cascadura wells in Trinidad and Tobago, discovering significant natural gas and crude oil.
Touchstone Exploration 已在特立尼达和多巴哥成功完成了其 Cascadura C 井,Cascadura-2ST1 的初始关井压力为 3,600 psi,该井显示了大量天然气,而 Cascadura-3ST1 的初始关井压力为 2,665 psi,用于生产原油。 Touchstone Exploration has successfully completed its Cascadura C wells in Trinidad and Tobago, with initial shut-in pressures of 3,600 psi for Cascadura-2ST1, which showed significant natural gas, and 2,665 psi for Cascadura-3ST1, which produced crude oil. 该公司还为其天然气设施安装了一条输油管线,并报告说,自2024年6月以来,Balata East的产量增加了300%,突出显示了Ortoire地区的潜力。 The company has also installed a flowline to its gas facility and reported a 300% production increase at Balata East since June 2024, highlighting the potential of its Ortoire acreage.