饲养员 Brenda Adtruson 的 10 个月大的金毛犬 Laika 在温哥华煤港失踪,自 8 月下旬以来一直没有出现过。 10-month-old goldendoodle Laika of breeder Brenda Adtruson went missing in Coal Harbour, Vancouver, and has not been seen since late August.
来自威廉姆斯湖的一位饲养 goldendoodles 的妇女 Brenda Adtruson 正在寻找她失踪的 10 个月大的狗 Laika。 Brenda Adtruson, a woman from Williams Lake who breeds goldendoodles, is searching for her missing 10-month-old dog, Laika. 这只 goldendoodle 在温哥华 Coal Harbour 与朋友住在一起时失踪了。 The goldendoodle disappeared while staying with a friend in Coal Harbour, Vancouver. 最后一次确认看到莱卡是在 8 月下旬的 Cambie 和 First 街。 The last confirmed sighting of Laika was at Cambie and First streets in late August. Addruson对宠物的安全深表关注,并积极寻求找到她。 Adtruson is deeply concerned for her pet's safety and is actively seeking to find her.