59 岁的苏格兰母亲莱斯利·麦克蒂尔 (Lesley McTear) 在与一辆涉及松散马匹的面包车相撞后,在 A737 上死于车祸。 59-year-old Scottish mother Lesley McTear died in a car crash on A737 after a collision with a van involving loose horses.
9 月 23 日,来自苏格兰德雷霍恩的 59 岁母亲莱斯利·麦克蒂尔 (Lesley McTear) 在豪伍德附近的 A737 公路上不幸身亡。 Lesley McTear, a 59-year-old mother from Dreghorn, Scotland, tragically died in a collision on the A737 near Howwood on September 23. 她是一辆奔驰A -Class的乘客 与一辆面包车相撞 She was a passenger in a Mercedes A-Class that collided with a van. 在这次事件中,有四匹马死亡。 据报道,路上有松散的马。 Four horses also died in the incident, which occurred amid reports of loose horses on the road. 应急服务得到响应,道路被关闭调查。 Emergency services responded, and the road was closed for investigation. 警方在继续调查时正在向公众寻求信息。 Police are seeking information from the public as they continue their inquiry.