参议员Mark Kelly证实以色列使用一枚Mark 84炸弹, Senator Mark Kelly confirms Israel used a Mark 84 bomb, presumably in killing Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
参议员马克·凯利 (Mark Kelly) 宣布,以色列使用了一枚 2,000 磅重的制导炸弹,可能是 Mark 84 系列,在贝鲁特杀死了真主党领导人赛义德·哈桑·纳斯鲁拉 (Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah)。 Senator Mark Kelly announced that Israel used a 2,000-lb guided bomb, likely a Mark 84 series, in a strike that killed Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut. 这标志着美国首次确认所涉武器。 This marks the first U.S. confirmation of the weapon involved. 以色列军队没有核实具体的炸弹,五角大楼也没有作出评论。 The Israeli military has not verified the specific bomb, and the Pentagon has not commented. 美国仍然是以色列的主要盟国和最大武器供应国,提供联合直接攻击弹药,以提高炸弹的准确性。 The U.S. remains Israel's key ally and largest arms supplier, providing Joint Direct Attack Munitions to enhance bomb accuracy.