父母对奥克菲尔德学院和萨默塞特克里秋尔学校新的交通标志提出安全关切,声称这些标志混淆了儿童,特别是有特殊需要的儿童。 Parents raise safety concerns about new traffic markings at Oakfield Academy and Critchill School in Somerset, claiming they confuse children, particularly those with special needs.
萨默塞特郡弗罗姆市奥克菲尔德学院和克里奇尔学校的学生家长对市议会安装的新彩色道路标志表示安全担忧. Parents of students at Oakfield Academy and Critchill School in Frome, Somerset, have raised safety concerns about new colorful road markings installed by the town council. 这些标记旨在减缓交通速度,加强行人安全,因此受到批评,认为这些标记有可能使儿童,特别是有特殊教育需要的儿童产生混淆。 Designed to slow traffic and enhance pedestrian safety, the markings have been criticized for potentially confusing children, particularly those with special educational needs. 理事会正在审查反馈,并可能考虑重新设计标记,这是运输部资助的350 000英镑项目的一部分。 The council is reviewing feedback and may consider redesigning the markings, which were part of a £350,000 project funded by the Department for Transport.