以色列空袭杀害了伊朗将军和真主党领导人,使以色列-伊朗冲突升级。 Israeli airstrike kills Iranian general and Hezbollah leader, escalating Israel-Iran conflict.
伊朗国营媒体报导, 以色列空袭杀害一名革命卫队将军和一名真主党领导人, Iranian state media reports that an Israeli airstrike killed a Revolutionary Guard general and a Hezbollah leader, escalating the ongoing Israel-Iran conflict. 美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)将罢工称为“司法措施”。 U.S. President Joe Biden referred to the strike as a "measure of justice." 以色列官员没有证实这一事件,并突显了涉及伊朗、真主党和以色列的复杂的地缘政治紧张局势。 The incident has not been confirmed by Israeli officials and underscores the complex geopolitical tensions involving Iran, Hezbollah, and Israel. 中国的联合国代表告诫不要冲突进一步升级。 China's UN representative cautioned against further conflict escalation.