前共和党参议员Jeff Flake认可副总统卡马拉·哈里斯担任总统,称她尊重法治,具有团结能力。 Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidency, citing her rule of law respect and unifying abilities.
前共和党参议员杰夫·弗拉克支持副总统卡马拉·哈里斯担任总统,强调她尊重法治和统一国家的能力。 Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidency, emphasizing her respect for the rule of law and ability to unify the country. Flake是唐纳德·特朗普的大声批评家,他引用哈里斯的外交政策专门知识和移民建议作为支持他的关键因素。 Flake, a vocal critic of Donald Trump, cited Harris's foreign policy expertise and immigration proposals as key factors in his support. 他支持其他共和党人与特朗普决裂, 因为哈里斯的目的是吸引温和保守的选民。 His endorsement aligns with other Republicans distancing themselves from Trump, as Harris aims to attract moderate and conservative voters.