1947 斯特雷特福德的切斯特路庄园被遗弃;L&Q计划拆除,就未来发展进行咨询. 1947 Chester Road estate in Stretford abandoned; L&Q plans demolition, consultation on future development.
大曼彻斯特Stretford的切斯特路庄园曾经是养恤金领取者的家园,现在已被抛弃,已经过度发展。 The Chester Road estate in Stretford, Greater Manchester, once home to pensioners, has become abandoned and overgrown. 建于1947年的38所单间住房由于洪水风险和严重的潮湿问题而面临拆毁。 Built in 1947, the 38 one-bedroom houses faced demolition due to flood risks and severe damp issues. Trafford住房信托基金新住房计划停滞不前,导致破坏和盗窃。 The Trafford Housing Trust's plans for new homes have stalled, leading to vandalism and theft. 该网站现由L管理,打算拆除该地产,并就未来发展与社区协商。 The site is now under L&Q's management, which intends to demolish the properties and consult with the community on future developments.