泰晤士河谷警察在牛津郡班伯里对一枚WW1炮弹进行了控制爆炸。 Thames Valley Police conducted a controlled explosion of a WW1 shell in Banbury, Oxfordshire.
泰士河谷警方在周五晚上在牛津郡的班伯里对一条运河中发现的疑似第一次世界大战弹进行了可控爆炸. On Friday evening in Banbury, Oxfordshire, Thames Valley Police conducted a controlled explosion of a suspected World War 1 shell found in a canal. 居民报告说,在爆炸性弹药处理单位管理的Spiceball Park爆炸案引发了一场响亮的“大爆炸”。 Residents reported a loud "big bang" from the detonation at Spiceball Park, managed by the Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit. 当局感谢公众在事件发生期间采取了安全防范措施。 Authorities expressed gratitude to the public for following safety precautions during the incident.