俄亥俄州州长 Mike DeWine 宣布在斯普林菲尔德设立一家移动健康诊所,提供疫苗接种和筛查,以解决海地难民造成的当地医疗保健压力。 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announces a mobile health clinic in Springfield to address local healthcare strains caused by Haitian refugees, offering vaccinations and screenings.
俄亥俄州州长Mike DeWine宣布在斯普林菲尔德新建一个流动医疗诊所, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced a new mobile health clinic in Springfield to address local healthcare strains caused by an influx of Haitian refugees. 该诊所于9月19日在克拉克县联合卫生区开业,目的是将等候时间从两个月缩短为两周。 Opening on September 19 at the Clark County Combined Health District, the clinic aims to reduce wait times from two months to two weeks. 它将为居民提供疫苗接种和筛查,旨在补充现有服务,并计划今后设立一个常设诊所。 It will provide vaccinations and screenings for residents and is designed to supplement existing services, with plans for a permanent clinic in the future.