Kern县官员逮捕了Hernan Pompa和Manuel Jaramillo,因为他们在缓刑期间持有火器。 Kern County officers arrest Hernan Pompa and Manuel Jaramillo for possessing firearms on probation.
2024年9月25日,在加利福尼亚州Kern县,Hernan Pompa在一次缓刑探亲期间被捕,当时警官发现他的住宅里有一把380支Ruger手枪和实弹。 On September 25, 2024, in Kern County, California, Hernan Pompa was arrested during a probation home visit after officers found a .380 Ruger handgun and live ammunition in his residence. Pompa尽管有重罪犯身份,仍面临持有火器和弹药的指控。 Pompa, on active felony probation, faces charges for possessing a firearm and ammunition despite his felon status. 在另一起事件中,Manuel Jaramillo于同一天被捕,因为他在缓刑期间拥有一辆装上子弹的Smith & Wesson被盗枪支和弹药。 In a separate incident, Manuel Jaramillo was arrested on the same day for possessing a loaded stolen Smith & Wesson gun and ammunition while on probation.