30 岁女性皮划艇运动员在渥太华河倾覆后被发现死亡;同伴获救。 30-year-old female kayaker found deceased after capsizing in Ottawa River; companion rescued.
一名 30 岁的女性皮划艇运动员自 9 月 18 日皮划艇在渥太华河倾覆后失踪,现已被发现死亡。 A 30-year-old female kayaker, missing since her kayak capsized in the Ottawa River on September 18, has been found deceased. 她与一名34岁的男子在一起,被警察和公民营救。 She was with a 34-year-old male who was rescued by police and citizens. 这次搜查涉及安大略省警察局和魁北克省警察局的多个单位。 The search involved various units from the Ontario Provincial Police and Sûreté du Québec. 她的尸体于9月21日被找到,但当局没有透露她的姓名。 Her body was recovered on September 21, but authorities have not disclosed her name. 事件发生在148号公路道间桥梁附近。 The incident occurred near the Highway 148 interprovincial bridge.