南卡罗来纳州在州长麦克马斯特进入紧急状态期间启动了飓风海伦的价格欺诈法。 South Carolina activates price gouging law for Hurricane Helene under Governor McMaster's state of emergency.
南卡罗来纳州价格调价法现已生效, 因为总督亨利·麦克马斯特(Henry McMaster)在海伦飓风前宣布紧急状态。 South Carolina's price gouging law is now active due to Governor Henry McMaster's state of emergency declaration ahead of Hurricane Helene. 该法禁止不公平地高价购买必需品,并可能导致对违法者的罚款1 000美元或30天监禁。 The law prohibits unfairly high prices on essential goods and can lead to a $1,000 fine or 30 days in jail for violators. 怀疑出价的人应记录时间、地点和价格等细节,并通过电子邮件或网上向总检察长办公室报告调查结果。 Residents suspecting price gouging should document details such as time, place, and prices, and report findings to the Attorney General's office via email or online.