SNL在9月28日开始第50个赛季, Jean Smart担任东道主, Jelly Roll 担任音乐嘉宾。 SNL kicks off its 50th season on Sept 28, with Jean Smart as host and Jelly Roll as musical guest.
周六夜现场 (SNL) 将于 9 月 28 日推出第 50 季,由 Jean Smart 担任主持人,Jelly Roll 担任音乐嘉宾。 Saturday Night Live (SNL) is launching its 50th season on September 28, featuring Jean Smart as the host and Jelly Roll as the musical guest. 宣传影片突显了节目历史的经典时刻, 同时也展示了Smart的幽默感, A promotional video highlights classic moments from the show's history while showcasing Smart's humorous frustration about not being celebrated enough. 本季将包括来自过去校友的来宾,并计划在新年举办纪念周年特别节目,以庆祝SNL的重要里程碑。 The season will include cameos from past alumni and an anniversary special is planned for the new year, celebrating SNL's significant milestone.