魁北克警方在发现蒙特利尔西南失踪女子尸体后逮捕了一名男子。 Quebec police arrested a man after discovering a missing woman's body southwest of Montreal.
魁北克警方在蒙特利尔西南发现一名失踪妇女的尸体后逮捕了一名男子。 Quebec police have arrested a man following the discovery of a missing woman's body southwest of Montreal. 调查导致逮捕,尽管没有透露嫌疑人的具体细节和该妇女失踪的情节。 The investigation led to the arrest, although specific details about the suspect and the circumstances surrounding the woman's disappearance have not been disclosed. 当局正在继续调查此案。 Authorities are continuing their investigation into the case.