在教皇弗朗西斯访问比利时期间,一名被指控犯有猥亵罪的牧师的赞美歌最初被包括在弥撒中,引发了争议。 During Pope Francis' visit to Belgium, a hymn by a priest accused of molestation was initially included in the Mass, sparking controversy.
在教皇弗朗西斯访问比利时期间,发生了争议,当时一名被控骚扰的牧师的赞美诗最初被包括在弥撒中,导致他被开除,但保留在印刷小册子中。 During Pope Francis' visit to Belgium, controversy arose when a hymn by a priest accused of molestation was initially included in the Mass, leading to its removal from the service but retention in the printed booklet. 这一事件突显了天主教会为解决被指控的虐待者在宗教艺术和音乐中的存在而持续进行的斗争,这一挑战已经持续了数十年,并提出了如何负责任地管理这些艺术品的问题。 This incident underscores the Catholic Church's ongoing struggle to address the presence of accused abusers in religious art and music, a challenge that has persisted for decades and raises questions about how to manage such artworks responsibly.