PIA从卡拉奇飞往迪拜的航班发生液压故障,导致快速下降和安全降落。 A PIA flight from Karachi to Dubai experienced hydraulic failure, causing a rapid descent and safe landing.
巴基斯坦国际航空公司从卡拉奇飞往迪拜的航班面临液压系统故障,6分钟内迅速下降26 000英尺。 A Pakistan International Airlines flight from Karachi to Dubai faced a hydraulic system failure, causing a rapid descent of 26,000 feet in six minutes. 该试点项目与空中交通管制部门协调,设法安全降落在迪拜,飞行后在较低高度飞行。 The pilot coordinated with air traffic control and managed to land safely in Dubai, flying at a lower altitude afterward. 经检查后,该飞机继续飞往伊斯兰堡和斯卡尔杜。 Following inspection, the aircraft continued to Islamabad and Skardu. 这一事件是在私营投资管理局不断面临挑战的情况下发生的,包括飞机短缺和以往许可证发放问题导致监管监督不足。 This incident occurs amid ongoing challenges for PIA, including a shortage of aircraft and regulatory scrutiny due to past licensing issues.