洛杉矶县挪用了 540 万美元的寄养儿童福利,等待州长纽森批准一项防止此类滥用的法案。 Los Angeles County diverted $5.4 million in foster children's benefits, awaiting Governor Newsom's approval on a bill to prevent such misuse.
该条涉及加利福尼亚寄养机构,特别是洛杉矶县的寄养机构滥用寄养儿童福利的问题,将原定用于600名青年的540万美元挪用给自己。 The article addresses the misuse of foster children's benefits by California foster care agencies, particularly in Los Angeles County, which diverted $5.4 million intended for 600 youths to itself. 旨在制止这种做法的前一项法案被Newsom总督否决,修订稿已经通过,等待他签字。 While a previous bill aimed to stop this practice was vetoed by Governor Newsom, a revised version has passed and awaits his signature. 该法案敦促总督批准该法案,以确保根据联邦法律,将福利用于满足儿童的需要。 The piece urges the governor to approve the bill to ensure benefits are used for the children's needs, complying with federal laws.