Caroline Ellison,前FTX执行官,在对金融欺诈的判决中寻求宽大处理,他援引了对前男友Sam Bankman-Fried的合作。 Caroline Ellison, former FTX executive, seeks leniency in sentencing for financial fraud, citing cooperation against ex-boyfriend Sam Bankman-Fried.
Caroline Ellison,前FTX执行官,正在寻求宽大处理她即将因在重大金融欺诈中扮演的角色而被判刑的案件。 Caroline Ellison, a former FTX executive, is seeking leniency in her upcoming sentencing for her role in a major financial fraud. 她的律师说,她与前男友Sam Bankman-Fried进行了大量合作,对前男友Sam Bankman-Fried被定罪并判处25年监禁,她的律师认为她没有服刑时间。 Her attorneys argue for no prison time, citing her significant cooperation against ex-boyfriend Sam Bankman-Fried, who was convicted and sentenced to 25 years. 联邦检察官似乎支持她的请求,承认她的合作对起诉至关重要。 Federal prosecutors appear supportive of her request, acknowledging her cooperation as crucial for the prosecution. 判刑建议符合缓刑官员关于服刑时间加三年监督释放的建议。 Sentencing recommendations align with probation officials' suggestion of time served plus three years supervised release.