MQM的创始人Altaf Hussain批评巴基斯坦议会和司法自治,谴责压迫,并支持Imran Khan在伦敦举行的第71个生日庆典。 Altaf Hussain, MQM founder, criticized Pakistan's parliament and judiciary autonomy, denounced oppression, and supported Imran Khan at his 71st birthday celebration in London.
巴基斯坦穆塔希达·库米运动创始人阿尔塔夫·侯赛因在伦敦举行的第71个生日庆祝活动上向与会者发表讲话,批评巴基斯坦议会和司法机构缺乏自主权,声称军事统治。 Altaf Hussain, founder of Pakistan's Muttahida Qaumi Movement, addressed attendees at his 71st birthday celebration in London, criticizing the lack of autonomy in Pakistan's parliament and judiciary, asserting military dominance. 他拒绝否认族裔身份,敦促团结一致反对压迫,同时保持身份。 He rejected the denial of ethnic identities, urging unity against oppression while maintaining identity. Hussain还讨论了关于他叛国的指控,表示支持被监禁的领导人Imran Khan,呼吁为MQM提供财政支助。 Hussain also discussed allegations of treason against him and expressed support for imprisoned leader Imran Khan, calling for financial backing for the MQM.