拥有 255 年历史的 Circus Vegas 和 Circus Extreme 将在英国巡演,与全球表演者和惊心动魄的表演一起,包括低空钢丝表演和 Globe of Death 特技表演。 255-year-old Circus Vegas and Circus Extreme tour the UK with global performers and thrilling acts, including a low wire act and Globe of Death stunt.
庆祝 255 周年的拉斯维加斯马戏团 (Circus Vegas) 将在英国巡回演出,届时将有全球表演者和惊心动魄的表演,包括 Veera Kaijanen 的低空钢丝表演和死亡地球仪特技表演。 Circus Vegas, celebrating 255 years, is touring the UK with an extravagant show featuring global performers and thrilling acts, including a low wire act by Veera Kaijanen and the Globe of Death stunt. 同样,Circus Extreme 将于 10 月 4 日至 13 日在诺福克展览场表演,展示高空钢丝表演和越野摩托车特技。 Similarly, Circus Extreme will be performing at Norfolk Showground from October 4-13, showcasing high wire performances and motocross stunts. 两场演出均持续约两个小时,并通过特定的促销代码提供折扣票。 Both shows run for about two hours and offer discounted tickets through specific promo codes.