65岁的木匠和马来西亚学徒死于新加坡Kaki Bukit工业建筑的火灾。 65-year-old carpenter and Malaysian apprentice die in fire at industrial building in Kaki Bukit, Singapore.
9月19日新加坡Kaki Bukit工业大楼发生火灾,65岁的木匠Lim Choon Siew先生和一名马来西亚学徒死亡。 A fire at an industrial building in Kaki Bukit, Singapore, on September 19 resulted in the deaths of 65-year-old carpenter Mr. Lim Choon Siew and a Malaysian apprentice. 他们在大火附近的一家家具店被发现昏迷不醒,大火始于一家标牌店。 They were found unconscious in a furniture shop near the blaze, which started at a signage shop. 受害者在长吉总医院被宣布死亡。 The victims were pronounced dead at Changi General Hospital. 他们的家人正在寻找关于安全措施的答案,包括在事件发生期间启动火警和喷洒灭火器。 Their families are seeking answers regarding safety measures, including the activation of fire alarms and sprinklers during the incident.