Alicia Roth 博士建议设置一个闹钟以改善健康,因为多个闹钟会导致昏昏沉沉和压力。 Ph.D. Alicia Roth recommends setting one alarm for better health, as multiple alarms cause grogginess and stress.
来自克利夫兰诊所的 Alicia Roth 博士建议不要使用多个早晨闹钟以改善健康。 Alicia Roth, Ph.D., from the Cleveland Clinic, advises against using multiple morning alarms for better health. 她指出,这样做会扰乱身体的自然节奏,从而导致昏昏沉沉、迷失方向和压力。 She states that doing so can lead to grogginess, disorientation, and stress by disrupting the body's natural rhythm. Roth 建议为所需的起床时间设置一个闹钟,并在一周内保持一致的时间表,以促进更健康的早晨和整体健康。 Roth recommends setting a single alarm for the desired wake-up time and maintaining a consistent schedule throughout the week to promote healthier mornings and overall well-being.