airBaltic 计划扩大在维尔纽斯的业务,增加机队规模,并推出飞往 7 个新目的地的航班。 airBaltic plans to expand operations in Vilnius, increase fleet size, and introduce flights to seven new destinations.
拉脱维亚航空公司波罗的海航空公司计划通过增加飞机和扩大航线,加强立陶宛维尔纽斯的业务。 Latvian airline airBaltic plans to enhance operations in Vilnius, Lithuania, by increasing its aircraft and expanding flight routes. 首席执行官马丁·高斯的目标是今年运送500多万乘客,到2030年使机队人数翻一番。 The CEO, Martin Gauss, aims to transport over 5 million passengers this year and double the fleet by 2030. 该航空公司将向七个新的目的地提供航班,并增加现有航线的频率。 The airline will introduce flights to seven new destinations and increase frequency on existing routes. 此外,airBaltic 还扩大了与英国航空公司 (British Airways) 的代码共享,促进了拉脱维亚和英国之间的连接。 Additionally, airBaltic has expanded its codeshare with British Airways, boosting connectivity between Latvia and the UK.