8岁的Isaac Tilley患有Batten病,在Tenby完成了Waslands的铁童赛,为理疗筹集资金。 8-year-old Isaac Tilley with Batten Disease completes Ironkids Wales race in Tenby, raising funds for physiotherapy.
8 月 7 日,患有巴顿病的 8 岁男孩艾萨克·蒂利 (Isaac Tilley) 在彭布罗克郡的滕比 (Tenby) 完成了威尔士铁人赛 (Ironkids Wales) 的比赛,他使用助行器参加了 500 米比赛。 Eight-year-old Isaac Tilley, who has Batten Disease, completed the Ironkids Wales event in Tenby, Pembrokeshire, on August 7, using a walker for the 500m race. 在父母的鼓励和人群支持的激励下,他获得了成就奖章。 Encouraged by his parents and motivated by crowd support, he received a medal for his achievement. Tilley家庭通过GoFundMe网页筹集了1 400多英镑,资助理疗课程,超过最初的目标115英镑,帮助维持Isaac的体力和机动性。 The Tilley family has raised over £1,400 through a GoFundMe page to fund physiotherapy sessions, surpassing their initial goal of £115, to help maintain Isaac's strength and mobility.