佛罗里达州赫尔南多县的错路碰撞造成两名司机死亡,两名乘客受伤。 Wrong-way collision in Hernando County, Florida, kills two drivers and injures two passengers.
在佛罗里达州赫尔南多县发生正面碰撞,造成两名司机在星期六早上死亡。 A head-on collision in Hernando County, Florida, resulted in the deaths of two drivers early Saturday morning. 一名45岁的男子驾着一辆大众汽车Jetta朝错误方向行驶,当时他与一名47岁妇女驾驶的奥德赛本田汽车发生碰撞。 A 45-year-old man was driving a Volkswagen Jetta in the wrong direction when he collided with a Honda Odyssey driven by a 47-year-old woman. 两名司机在现场死亡,本田的两名20岁的乘客伤势没有威胁生命,并住院治疗。 Both drivers died at the scene, while two 20-year-old passengers in the Honda sustained non-life-threatening injuries and were hospitalized.