9名印度渔民在季风季节在孟加拉湾暴风雨中拖网过量后失踪。 9 Indian fishermen missing after trawler capsizes in Bay of Bengal storm during monsoon season.
9 名印度渔民的拖网渔船在暴风雨中在孟加拉湾倾覆后恐怕死亡。 Nine Indian fishermen are feared dead after their trawler capsized in the Bay of Bengal during a storm. 该船从西孟加拉的Sundarbans出发,有17名船员,在Bagher Char岛附近被大浪淹没。 The vessel, which departed from the Sundarbans in West Bengal with 17 crew members, was overwhelmed by large waves near Bagher Char island. 8名渔民获救,另外9名在甲板下睡觉的渔民仍然失踪。 Eight fishermen were rescued, while nine others, who were asleep below deck, remain missing. 随着每年的季风季节给当地渔民带来更大的风险,搜索工作继续进行。 The search continues as the annual monsoon season poses increased risks for local fishermen.