喀麦隆的Baka和Bagyieli社区由于缺乏出生证而面临无国籍状态,阻碍他们获得公民权。 120,000 Baka and Bagyieli communities in Cameroon face statelessness due to lack of birth certificates, hindering access to citizenship rights.
喀麦隆的土著Baka和Bagyieli社区超过120 000人,由于缺乏出生证,面临无国籍状态,阻碍他们获得国民身份证件以及教育和保健等重要的公民权利。 Cameroon's Indigenous Baka and Bagyieli communities, over 120,000 strong, face statelessness due to a lack of birth certificates, hindering their access to national identity documents and vital citizenship rights like education and healthcare. 他们因采矿和伐木而流离失所,为了获得这些证书,他们难以前往行政中心。 Displaced by mining and logging, they struggle to reach administrative centers to obtain these certificates. 最近,喀麦隆通过了一项加入联合国关于无国籍问题的两项公约的法案,这预示着对这些社区的承认和支持的希望。 Recently, Cameroon passed a bill to join two UN conventions on statelessness, signaling hope for recognition and support for these communities.