27岁的Brian Quinones在佛罗里达被捕,据称他向被占领的FedEx面包车开枪,正面临二度杀人未遂指控。 27-year-old Brian Quinones arrested in Florida for allegedly shooting at an occupied FedEx van, facing attempted second-degree homicide charges.
Brian Quinones,27岁,在佛罗里达州Okalosa县被捕,据称当时有人向一辆被占领的FedEx运货车开枪,司机几乎失踪。 Brian Quinones, 27, was arrested in Okaloosa County, Florida, after allegedly shooting at an occupied FedEx delivery van, narrowly missing the driver. 他面临多项指控,包括二度杀人未遂和向车辆发射致命导弹。 He faces multiple charges, including attempted second-degree homicide and firing a deadly missile into a vehicle. 在一次交通拦截期间,当局在他的卡车上发现了一把装满9毫米口径手枪和大麻。 During a traffic stop, authorities found a loaded 9mm handgun and marijuana in his truck. 枪击的动机仍在调查之中。 The motive for the shooting is still under investigation.